What does BrandU stand for?

BrandU means „Be Your Best”. BrandU company cares to bring out true you, to fully express yourself through your personality and image, at work and in everyday life. It helps you to be your best brand focusing on your strengths and passions.


Coaching Brand U helps to define your dreams, allows to discover your talents, brings out the best in you so that you can be who you really want to be.


Coaching BrandU focuses on achieving life goals, it inspires, encourages and facilitates clients to take them where they want to be and to achieve what they want to achieve.

What is Coaching?

– From the scientific point of view, Sir John Whitmore defines Coaching as “the process of unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance”.

– The research of Chartered Institute of Professional Development declares that Coaching is now the most effective process of personal development for those who want to live a full life and achieve great business results.

– Comparing to body training, Coaching is fitness for the brain.

Agnieszka Brukszo

mail          abrukszo@brandu.com.pl
tel             +48 601 286 945
skype       BrandUcoaching

executive and life coaching

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